April 2024: An Astrological Breakdown of What to Expect, Avoid, Look Forward To
Apr 01, 2024
April 2024: A Cosmic Breakdown of the Month
Hello beautiful people! With spring officially upon us as we start the lovely month of April, I have prepared for you all a forecast of what to expect from the coming weeks. This includes everything from the mercury retrograde to what days are best for making big and important decisions to what zodiac signs should be extra careful this month. Let us start with a general look at the month:
As a whole, expect April to be an emotional month for you and those around you. Though it isn’t bad to be in touch with your feelings, do try to apply logic before making rash decisions. Give yourself and your loved ones grace for any emotional roller coasters that arise as a result of the shifting planets.
Additionally, this is a time where you may experience conflicts in your relationships, whether that be with your partner, family, friends, or at work. These problems will arise from a previous avoidance of conflict, maybe something you’ve been putting off thinking it will go away on its own. These issues can also come from an inaction on your end or stalling of an issue you’ve been meaning to address.
On a more positive note, April is a great month for creation and activity. Finish up those projects you’ve had lying around the house, or that hobby that you’ve been too busy to pick back up. Take some time to go on a walk, run, or bike ride as the weather warms up. Start making a plan of action for any new ideas that you’ve been thinking on.
Central Events of April
Mercury Retrograde (April 1-26): Taking up a majority of the month is a mercury retrograde, which, contrary to popular belief this does not mean that your month will be filled with negativity, confusion, or bad luck. It does mean that you should take some time to reflect and analyze recent thoughts, ideas, and questions that have presented themselves.
Look back on how you’ve been communicating with the people you love and put some effort into fixing previous mistakes. Consider journaling or talking to someone about the things you need and want to improve about yourself. Set up goals and organize your ideas.
During this time I recommend avoiding big purchases or investments such as properties, cars, stocks, or loans. Try not to take on or start large projects, instead focus on finishing what is already on your plate.
You may find yourself reassessing your career or current job and potentially even relationships. Evaluate these concerns with logic and stay away from rushed and emotional decisions. Lastly, don't be surprised if people from your past reach out to you or appear in unexpected ways.
April 5th: This is a day that is ruled by emotions. Logic is up and out the window as many may feel a cosmic push to confess their feelings for someone or to make a big and bold gesture of love. It is best to keep yourself in check and filter any rash decisions through logic before commiting to a large emotional display.
Solar Eclipse (April 8): The solar eclipse brings with it something new and fresh into your life. You may not fully understand or realize what this shift touches on but remain attentive as this day brings with it something life changing. Be especially alert if your birthday falls on April or October 8th as you are the most affected by this astronomical phenomenon.
Mars and Saturn connect in Pisces (April 8-13): These two planets hold contradicting energies and as a result create a difficult week when they connect under one sign. The fast and fiery energy of Mars will urge you to move forward and do so quickly, potentially regarding a work project, new business venture, or something in your personal life. Slow down. Take a deep breath and shift your efforts towards thoroughly planning out these big decisions. Saturn's energy will create obstacles in your path so it’s better to wait for these days to pass unless you want to work through things the hard way.
Try to channel your forward momentum through something like physical activity or less significant projects so that you don’t lose steam when the time comes to make your big ideas reality.
Most Favorable Week (April 15-20): Take all of that planning and reflection you’ve been doing the past two weeks and run with it. Make decisive and swift actions toward your goals as things will go incredibly favorably for you these 5 days. Expect success from the moves you make this week and trust your intuition to carry you closer to making your dreams come true.
For Taurus’s especially (born April 20-May 20), this week is your green light. The sun is in your sign and luck is on your side. Do what you need to do and watch as things smooth out right before your eyes.
Full Moon (April 24th): Be weary for a few days before and after this Taurus-Scorpio full moon. It brings with it potential hardships when it comes to financial relationships with other people. Avoid making big purchases, taking out credit, loaning money to others, or trying new financial ventures.
April 22-27: The last week of April is not an easy end to the month. Communication may seem especially challenging during this week as other people may take you the wrong way or you might have a hard time understanding people's motives. As this is a highly emotional week, you and those around you are at high risk of making bad decisions paired with rash and potentially illogical actions. Additionally, this is not a great time to participate in large gatherings or get-togethers. Be careful of people attempting to scam you during this time.
In lieu of all this negativity, this would be a great time to contribute some goodness into the world. This can be through charity, good deeds, or simply helping and taking care of your loved ones and pets.
Zodiac Signs that Need to Watch Out
Aries: For many of my Aries friends, Happy Birthday! Being the fiery and energetic individuals that you are, April brings to you a thirst for new beginnings, rapid movement forward, and big decisions. Turn off your need to rush and try to restrain yourself from making choices you haven’t thought through all the way.
Libra: This month may bring hardships concerning your relationship. Your partner may show a different side of themselves that you do not like or you may feel the need to clear something up that has been bothering you. Remain patient, address these issues with logic, and try to be more attentive of your partner.
Capricorn: You may experience some changes at home or regarding your family. Steer clear of conflict and try to face these issues without acting on impulse.
Cancer: Your work life is very susceptible to change this month, stay level headed and pay attention to your surroundings. Do not rush into any abrupt or hasty decisions.
There you have it! A general forecast of April and what the planets have in store for us. Remember to listen to your intuition and balance your emotions with logic to ensure the best possible version of April for yourself and your loved ones. If you would like a more detailed and personal forecast of the month or an analysis of your birth chart, don't hesitate to reach out to me directly under this blog post, on my instagram, or facebook! If you are looking for more specific day by day forecasts follow me on instagram @natali_byalskiy.
Your personal astropsychologist,
Natali Byalskiy